List of Links: Fall 2023

The Content Strategist

Contently is a blog that takes readers on a dive into the world of content marketing, strategy, and social media in a wide range of industries.


Nurturing creativity.

This is a LinkedIn post from Abdelaziz Almaazmi about nurturing creativity and using it as secret weapon for problem solving while thinking outside the box. It’s worth a watch. 


80 Cheap Dinner Recipes

Skip takeout and try these tasty recipes. Camille Lowder, a digital food producer at Delish provides fabulous meals for the oven, Instant Pot, stove top and more.  These meals are cheap, easy and quick to prepare for weeknight meals. 


Best gift ideas for 2023

Searching for a gift for someone that has “everything”?  This link has a ton of great ideas. Divided up into categories for men, women, teens and much, much more it easy to find a gift for the person you are looking for. 


The 15+ Best Digital Marketing Tools for Marketers and Agencies

I’m sure you’re already using or are familiar with a few of these tools, but hopefully there are a few new ones to help your marketing processes to move even more smoothly. 

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